You can join as a “Club-only” member, or become a member of the British Orienteering Federation (BOF) with whom we are affiliated.  When you join BOF you can select Wrekin Orienteers (WRE) as your club, which in turn also registers you as a member of our Club and of the West Midlands Orienteering Association, our regional body. 

If you’re an existing BOF member moving from another club, you can select Wrekin as your club from your BOF profile page or at renewal (if you renew manually).

The details below shows you what benefits there are of both types of membership. We would be very pleased to welcome you as either Club or BOF member. 

The fees shown below are Annual Fees and renewal is due in December each year. 

Membership Entitlements:

Club-only member:
…can compete in all club “Local” and “Regional” events and training activities, vote at the club AGM, become a member of the club’s internal email list.

British Orienteering Member:
…can compete in all BOF events; vote at club, regional and BOF AGMs; receive copies of BOF information, West Midlands Orienteering Association and Club newsletters. Compass Sport magazine is available at a reduced rate as well as a range of other discounts

Fees (for 2022)
British Orienteering and Wrekin Club

Senior (21 & over)          £15.00 (BOF) + £5.00 (Wrekin); total £20.00                                         
Junior (20 & under)        £ 5.00 (BOF) + £0 (Wrekin); total £5.00                                             

How to Join 

If you would like to join the British Orienteering Federation, the best way is by visiting the British Orienteering  website here.

Where it asks you to enter a Club, select “WRE” from the drop-down list and complete the rest of the details as requested.  

If you prefer to join as a club-only member, please contact the Membership Secretary via our contact form.