To begin with, really not much!

You will need…

  • Clothing that provides full body and leg cover (this is mandatory at most events). On easy courses you won’t need to go off the paths, but if you expect to, wear something that will protect you from scratches (and not get ripped to shreds!).
  • Footwear that you’re comfortable walking in (or running, if you plan to) on paths that may be muddy, or off the paths if you’re more ambitious. Bear in mind that you may be crossing wet ground. Trail or fell running shoes are ideal, but other trainers will suffice – they just won’t give as much grip, especially on wet surfaces.
  • A whistle is mandatory at some events (including all West Midlands League events), to summon help in an emergency. (Particularly on newcomers’ courses, the risks are very low!)
  • If you have a compass, it will be helpful (we may be able to lend you one, but please check beforehand). You don’t need anything fancy to start with, but being able to check that you have the map the right way round will help a lot!

Later – when you’re hooked! – you can think about buying a specific orienteering compass or gaiters, better shoes, or your own dibber, but to start with, you really don’t need to.