We invite you to a colour-coded event at Wrockwardine Wood in Telford. This will be a Regional event forming part of the 2025 West Midlands League.

Parking and Assembly: Oakengates Leisure Centre

Postcode: TF2 7AB
What3Words: ///breakaway.pasting.director (entrance)

Toilets: at the back of the Leisure Centre

Start: open from 10:30-12:30, 800m from Assembly on a taped route. A “Quiet Start” system will operate.

Entries: pre-entries via Fabian4 have now closed.

Enter Online

There will be limited entry on the day (EOD).

Update: as of 6pm Saturday, the following maps are available for EOD on a “first come, first served” basis: Blue, 7; Green, 6; Short Green, 2; Light Green, 5; Orange, 6; Yellow, 5.

If you wish to change your course, please check with us at Registration on the day before going to the Start or contact us (not later than 6pm Saturday please) via the “General Enquiries” option to check availability.

Fees: Seniors £10 (+2 for non-BOF members); Juniors £4

Courses: courses from Yellow to Blue will be offered; lengths will be as follows:

CourseDistance (km)Climb (m)Controls
Light Green3.06020
Short Green3.67520

Anyone who would normally enter Brown should run Blue for League purposes.

Timing: electronic timing using SPORTident. Contactless (SIAC) punching will be enabled for controls but you must physically dib the Start and Finish.

Dibbers (non-SIAC) are available to hire – please add to your entry (Seniors £1, Juniors free of charge; any lost dibbers must be paid for).

Important notes:
1. The Blue course has been planned with 30 controls – if you are using a Series 5 or Series 8 card (see numbers below if you’re unsure), which are limited to 30 punches, please ensure you don’t punch any controls not on the course!

  • Series 5 cards are numbered 1 000 ~ 499 999
  • Series 8 cards are numbered 2 000 000 ~ 2 002 999 and 2 004 000 ~ 2 999 999

2. The Blue and Green courses have a mandatory road crossing which will be marshalled. Please heed the instructions of the marshals.

Medical information

If you wish any medical information to be available to a practitioner in the event of an emergency, please fill in the British Orienteering medical information form, place it in a sealed envelope with your name on it, and deposit it at Enquiries. It will not be opened unless we have reason to believe you may have suffered a medical emergency and will be shredded after the event if you don’t collect it.

Results will be posted here.

Signal and technology permitting, live(-ish) results will be available from around 11:30 with updates about every 10 minutes.

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